Pet Policy
Pet Policy Type: Cat, DogsMax Weight of Pets: 35
Pet Monthly Rent Min: $50
Max Number of Pets: 2
Pet Deposit: $500
Pet Policy: We welcome 2 pets per apartment home. There is a $500 pet deposit per animal. Pet rent is $50 per month. There is a weight limit of 35lbs per pet, and aggressive breeds are prohibited.
Pet Rent Basis: Per Pet
The Best of Sunnyvale, CA Awaits
Everything about our community was designed with your lifestyle in mind. Take, for example, our refreshing swimming pool and sauna available to all residents. In addition, we provide business center, clubhouse with a kitchen, and BBQ and outdoor picnic area for your convenience. We paid equally much attention to the interior design of each of our Sunnyvale, CA apartments. They come in spacious one or two-bedroom layouts, so your entire entourage can live comfortably. The household features cannot be overlooked, either, since they make daily life run smoothly. Among them, you will find in-unit washer/dryers, carpeting, hardwood flooring, and energy efficient appliances. And we’ve yet to mention the private patios or balconies that are another welcomed addition to your home sweet home.
What seals the deal is our desirable address. Your dream Sunnyvale apartment is in the Birdland neighborhood and close to Homestead Shopping Center and Mariposa Shopping Center, among many other great attractions. We’re also within walking distance to large employers such as Kaiser Permanente Santa Clara and Apple’s Cupertino “Spaceship” HQ. Contact us today and let’s schedule a tour!